Andreas Schmieding lebt und arbeitet am Niederrhein. Klassische Ausbildung zum Fotografen. Kommunikationsdesign-Studium an der Universität GHS Essen, ehem. Folkwangschule für Gestaltung, bei Professor Inge Osswald und Professor Peter Wippermann. Schwerpunkte des Studiums waren Bildjournalismus, Dokumentarfotografie, Fotodesign und Editorial-Design. Abschluß mit einer Sozialreportage über Menschen im Alter und deren spezielle Lebenssituationen.

Andreas Schmieding lives and works on the Lower Rhine. Classic training as a photographer. Studied communication design at the University of Essen, former Folkwangschule für Gestaltung, with Professor Inge Osswald and Professor Peter Wippermann. The main focus of the course was on photojournalism, documentary photography, photo design and editorial design. Graduated with a social report on people in old age and their special life situations. Since 1990 freelance photographer and communication designer for international corporations, magazines and publishing houses as well as independent artistic projects. Since 1996 he has also been working as a graphic designer for the corporate design of various companies and organisations. 2001 Founding of a design studio with photo studio in the Lower Rhine region.